Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
This is only a test...
This is a time unlike any we have ever experienced in our country, in our entire lifetimes. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, I believe God is still speaking to sinners and to Christians. For the sinner, I believe this is a wakeup call. The Lord is showing how quickly all the things our world has come to trust in, can be shaken and stopped in their tracks. Our economy can be crippled in an alarmingly short amount of time. The "heroes" of the entertainment and sports industries have fallen silent, with no words of wisdom or solutions. Previously healthy workers may suddenly lose their ability to put food on the table. People may feel that all they can do is sit in front of a screen, and watch never-ending news coverage, and they may come to believe there is really no hope left. The wakeup call for them is that old, old story- the Good News of a Savior who loves them, remains merciful, and, not just ready, but SEEKING to save them, to give them hope in this life and in eternity to come. The test for them is strictly Pass/ Fail. They either choose to continue to place their hope in the fragile assurances of this world, or to surrender to the sovereign, omnipotent Creator who truly has the power and desire to be their help, their refuge, and their salvation.
For Christians, the test/ challenge is for us to learn to place our burdens at His feet. He wants us to trust and have faith in Him, and in Him alone. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. Our faith is being tested to stand strong in the Lord, to stand strong as His church, to shine as light in the darkness and draw others to Him. This is an unprecedented opportunity to pray for our world, our country, our church, our pastor, our families and church family, and to live out our faith as the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus in the world. Many are searching for real hope. We can show them where that Hope is found. We, as His children, are where we are "for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14)
Your Pastor and deacons are here for you. May God bless each of you.